Monday, September 13, 2010

Hanging It Up

The nursing bra, that is. I have been looking forward to this in a way for months now, but it's still a sad thing. Elliott has taken to the sippy cup and whole milk with no problems. She nuzzles her head on my chest from time to time but I will just have to be strong.
Breastfeeding has been the most amazing thing I have ever done other than having these two babies. :) It is a HUGE commitment and takes an insane amount of dedication and determination. You always hear about women having babies and saying, I tried to bf but couldn't so we went to formula. I have been on both sides of this. Breastfeeding didn't work with Weston. I hadn't been through it before and didn't know who's advice to take. Going through it with Elliott I knew exactly what to do different and how to be successful.
Not all moms feel the desire or are able to breastfeed their babies and I totally understand that. I think it's safe to say that I was born with that desire and it was a big part of what I looked forward to about being a mom and having babies. The fact that women are equipped with everything it takes to nourish and grow their infant is incredible. Yet another thing that makes me wonder how anyone couldn't believe in God.
I am so grateful that I was able to breastfeed Elliott these past 10 months. If you know me well you know that she didn't take a bottle and I haven't been able to part with her for more than a few hours since she was born. As difficult as it was at times, I would do it all over again without a doubt in my mind. I will forever have immense respect for any breastfeeding mommy out there!

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