The plan was that the kids nap on the way to Raleigh and then be ready to go crazy at the Marbles Kids Museum. So Elliott falls asleep 15 minutes from our destination and Weston closes his eyes precisely as we pass the museum looking for a park. We drove around for another 15 minutes or so and then decided it was time to PLAY!
This place has got to be straight out of one of Weston's dreams. E stared at the other kids a lot, just watching their every move. She also looked for places to sit down and would slowly back up to them. It was very entertaining to me! It was really sweet when W would be playing and then notice E across the room and point and smile or run over to her. They both had an absolute blast and we will have to go back next year.
Amazingly enough neither fell asleep on the way home tonight. How is this possible? They played HARD for a long time. I do know they are getting some good sleep now though. What a fun family field trip. :)
Finishing up lunch on the boat.

Connect Four

"Painting with anything but a brush"
Elliott and I stuck with colored pencils today.

Mom and sissy are watching you Weston!
Elliott's holding her bucket we made.

...and the attention span of 2 seconds is up!

What can brown do for you?
E getting all in the way of the big boys playing.

3 Artichokes

Great produce

Hello, Jiji!

Get in Sissy

Dinner at Mellow Mushroom
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